
Health Care

In Uncategorized on February 8, 2009 at 3:14 am

Ill health is closely linked to social exclusion. There is a higher incidence of long-term health problems among the poor. Therefore, it is important that the underprivileged have access to top-quality health care. The Handbook of Families & Poverty states that “the disabling effects of ill health are far-fetching, triggering a series of problems that have a spiral effect, making it almost impossible for a family to get out of the poverty trap” (Crane & Heaton). Public health services, although free of charge, are not always expedient because no home visits are provided and waiting lists are long (Crane & Heaton). Moreover, services are not always accessible to the poor. It is imperative that America make improvements in health care a top priority and take current setbacks under consideration.

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